Welcome to The Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network

Current & Upcoming Events


Past Events

An animated gif of 3D scans of objects from the MET. Text reads "Latent Space: From Datasets to Digital Heritage.
A closeup black and white portrait of Jerzy Jarniewicz
Becoming Black poster and workshop schedule
A graphic design of audio speakers with plugs emerging from them on purple background.
Poster for the Reclaiming the Narrative Symposium Keynote Event
Poster for the Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium
Poster for the Wednesday Virtual Forum of the Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium
Poster for the Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium
Poster for the Monday Virtual Forum of the Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium
Blacktivations Poster. Image is a glittering body - painted black and speckled in white paint, bound in bright white strings.
Blacktivations Poster. Image is a glittering body - painted black and speckled in white paint, bound in bright white strings.
Poster for the lecture
Aguilar stands in front of a projector screen, pointing to a part of the codex image
Photograph of a screen projection, presenter and the back of three students.
Photograph of a screen projection, presenter and the back of three students.
Photograph of a screen projection, presenter and the back of three students.
A student interviewer and artist Sliman Mansour sit on a bench and speak into recording equipment.
Audience at the Our Palestine symposium.
Dalia Alayassa (seated at table) and Mohammad El-Kurd (on Zoom, projected onto a large screen behind Dalia).
Saida Hamad and Noora Baker presenting together on a panel.
A student in headphones holds a microphone up to her interviewee. Both smile.
Five students work on a painting composed of many fingerprints, in the colors of the Palestinian flag.
Students practice tatreez at a long table.
Our Palestine Symposium poster
The hiking group stands and sits together going up a trail.
Poster for the Soundwalk. Text reads: Humans and the Environment Symposium. A week-long (plus) symposium addressing issues of food justice, climate change, and environmental awareness. Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network. Soundwalk (Asynchronous). In this project, students, faculty, and staff from across the OSUN network are encouraged to attend to their surroundings aurally by making a 20 minute recording of the sounds they encounter in a space or environment of their choice. Recordings (with a brief reflection) will be uploaded to a network archive. Contact merriam@bard.edu for information about contributing your sound reflection to the archive.
Poster for the March 10th Fermentation Workshop. Text reads: Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network. Humans and the Environment Symposium. Fermentation Workshop with Gabriel Perron. Thursday, March 10, 4:00-5:30 PM. New Annandale House. Questions: merriam@bard.edu
Poster for the lecture. Text reads: Humans and the Environment. An Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network Symposium. Lecture by Rowen White, Member of the Mohawk Community of Akwesasne and founder of Sierra Seeds. "Seed Rematriation: Re-storying the Land and Centering Indigenous Relationships." Tuesday, March 8, 12:00 PM EST. Questions: merriam@bard.edu
Poster for the Humans and the Environment Symposium: A 10-day symposium addressing issues of food justice, climate change, and environmental awareness. Bard College Annandale (USA), Arizona State University (USA), Al-Quds Bard (Palestine), Birkbeck (Great Britain), Central European University (Austria), Hampton University (USA). Sponsored by the Open Society University Network.
Poster. Neon line drawing of a person wearing VR glasses. Text reads: Augmented Reality Workshop. A hands-on session aims to help you gain the most of the technology with the best tools and applications available. AQB College. Monday 10, January. 11:00AM-12:10PM. 15 seats only. Three day workshop: seats are limited.
Volunteers packing SolarSPELL hardware cases.
Poster for the event. Four paintings, abstract and iannic, and one of a childlike figure reaching up to a maternal figure.
The poster for the conference showing a young boy speaking into a microphone.
Two blogging camp instructors stand in front of a room of participants.
Poster for the talk: European Humanities University logo, "Our Stadium" A talk by artistic duo Marija Nemčenko and Anna Tüdős. July 12, 5 PM. Blue text over a black and white photo of a man jumping, arms and legs spread like a starfish.
Poster for the roundtable event
Aguilar presents a codex page on a projector screen to a class in a red classroom
Poster for the seminar. Headshots of Prof. Augusto V. de Viana and Prof Melê Yamomo. Text reads: YAMAN Digital History will be holding its first YAMAN Digital Seminar with the theme, Cultural Heritage, Digitalization, and Memory in Colonial Philippines. June 26, 2021. 4-6 PM PST. 10-12NN CET.
A podcasting mic in front of a laptop with a recording software open.
Poster. Text reads: Want to learn skills for environmentally-friendly living,
and meet other like-minded folks at CEU? Join us in kicking off the CEU Virtual Ecovillage. The CEU Ecovillage is a collaborative student project and social experiment in building virtual, sustainable community. Join us for a two day kick off event to participate in a collaborative mapping workshop, get access to an interactive resource library (hosted on Discord), and learn more!
Poster. Headshot of Dr. Vasil Navumau. Text reads: Webinar. Political Concord or Digital Divide? Repertoires of Civic Activism in 2020 Belarus. Invited speaker: Dr. Vasil Navumau. May 24, 1:30 PM. Vilnius time.
A podcasting mic in front of a laptop with a recording software open.
Poster: Save the date! Saturday, May 15, COVID Exceptionalism: A virtual unconference focused on the pandemic at the intersections of public health, technology, the arts & humanities.
A podcasting mic in front of a laptop with a recording software open.
Poster. Text reads: Want to learn skills for environmentally-friendly living,
and meet other like-minded folks at CEU? Join us in kicking off the CEU Virtual Ecovillage. The CEU Ecovillage is a collaborative student project and social experiment in building virtual, sustainable community. Join us for a two day kick off event to participate in a collaborative mapping workshop, get access to an interactive resource library (hosted on Discord), and learn more!
Lockdown Diaries + Performing Pankow poster. Purple image of a phone on a selfie stick recording.
Lockdown Diaries + Performing Pankow poster. Purple image of a phone on a selfie stick recording.
A podcasting mic in front of a laptop with a recording software open.
Poster. Text reads: Sound Practice: Exploring Audio Archives with Danielle Riou. Graphics of colorful pastel cassette tapes on a mint green background.
Poster. Text reads: Becoming Black: Ein film von Ines Johnson-Spain. Picture of a young Black girl in an orange-brown coat.
Gif poster. Image of an octopus alternating with pink circles and text on a pink background. Text reads: Charlotte-Malterre-Barthes, Dubravka Sekulić, Khensani de Klerk. Parity Front: Activism in Design Institutions
Purple poster. Text reads: Pankow against Racism. Join neighbors and BCB to create the Pankow Banner of Diversity! Fri, March 26, 17-19h. Meet between W16 and Park Intelligenzburg. We invite you to take to the streets for diversity and democracy, against discrimination and racism! Be creative with paint and markers for diversity in Pankow. Use chalk to spread the message of anti-racism. Speak out against racism in Pankow. Visit mini exhibit “Through our Eyes” by SHORE project. Mach mit! #pankowgegenrassismus
Poster for the lecture. Text reads: Cohabitation Strategies How to Begin Again: Towards a New Urban Practice
Poster. Text reads: join Laine Kaplan-Levinson from NPR’s Throughline. Image of Kaplan-Levinson.
Poster for the lecture. Text reads: Jennifer Newsom: Basic Process
Poster for the lecture. Text reads: Struggle/Rupture Joy. Public Lecture Series 20-21. Neyran Turan: Architecture as Measure
Poster for the lecture. Text reads: Comunal Taller: Participation as a Human Right: The Production of Housing as an Ethical and Political Stance
Poster for the lecture. Text reads: Adrian Lahoud: Signs & Transmissions: Architecture and Intergenerational Rights