Technology, Justice, & Creative Practice
our newsletter
Welcome to The Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network
Black Imagination at Bard
Central European University (CEU) Virtual Ecovillage
To Be – Named
Third Country National Discrimination
MMOs to Virtual Influencers
Pandemic Bardo
Broadcasting from the 5th Floor -- Season 2
My Name, My Story
بوح (Bawh) Podcast
Environ-mental: A Podcast Series
Struggle/Rupture/Joy Lecture Series
YAMAN Digital History
of things not seen
Omar Aguilar Sánchez’s Instagram “Take-Over”
Tu’un Vii: Palabras Bonitas
Generator Project
Al-Quds Bard College Arts Showcase Website
Reclaiming the Narrative
Drawing Blood Podcast
Broadcasting from the 5th Floor -- Season 1
Desktop Cinema
Dandelion Journal Student Research
The Lockdown Diaries
Migration, Space, and Power: Learning from Rosa Luxemburg and Doreen Massey
Restaging Memories of Dissents: #ENDSARS in Retrospect
Listening as Doorways to Futures
Students’ Cinema Club
COVID Exceptionalism Archive
Performing Pankow
Desktop Cinema Workshop
Desktop Cinema Workshop
Desktop Cinema Workshop
The Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium: Capstone Event
Podcasting Workshop with Radio Plato
CEU Virtual Ecovillage: First Collaborative Mapping Workshop
Neyran Turan: Architecture as Measure
Codices and Living Heritage of the Ñuu Savi
YAMAN Digital History Seminar: Cultural Heritage, Digitalization, and Memory in Colonial Philippines
Becoming Black: Film Screening and Talk with Director Ines Johnson-Spain
COMUNAL Taller: Participation as a Human Right: The Production of Housing as an Ethical and Political Stance
Jennifer Newsom: Basic Process
Our Palestine Symposium Lunch
Decolonising Archives, Decolonising History: Roundtable Conversation
CEU Virtual Ecovillage: Second Collaborative Mapping Workshop
Political Concord or Digital Divide? Repertoires of Civic Activism in 2020 Belarus
Fermentation Workshop with Gabriel Perron, Associate Professor of Biology
Class Visit for Art and Environment: Perspectives on Land, Landscape, and Ecology
Podcasting Workshop with Reece Cox
Sound Workshop with Chloe Kelly
Blacktivations: Black Imagination at Bard (Day 2)
Resistance and the Arts / الفن المقاوم
Local to Global Justice: In Honor of Earth
From Discussion to Action: Building Offline Digital Libraries as an Action-Oriented Community Event to Frame Our Shared Global Future
Podcasting Workshop with Radio Plato
Podcasting Workshop with Radio Plato
Workshop with Jens Haendeler (Al Quds) and Omar Hmidat (Goldsmiths)
Black Imagination at Bard: Reception with Natasha Marin
"Our Stadium"
Local Community as a Factor of Politics in Belarus
Podcasting Workshop with Radio Plato
Blogging Camp in Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Blacktivations: Black Imagination at Bard (Day 1)
Exploring Podcasts
Workshop with Jens Haendeler (Al Quds) and Omar Hmidat (Goldsmiths)
The Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium
Humans and the Environment Symposium
Seed Rematriation: Re-storying the Land and Centering Indigenous Relationships
Podcasts and Other Experiments in Public Anthropology
Reclaiming the Narrative Symposium: Keynote Event
Pankow Rally for Diversity
Our Palestine /فلسطيننا
Podcasting Workshop with Reece Cox
WIRWIR Photography Exhibition
Podcasts for Beginners (Anthropologists)
Parity Front: Activism in Design Institutions
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Workshop
Berlin Culture 2021 – Listening to Lockdown Diaries
Rooted /متجذرون: Photography Panel and Exhibition
Our Palestine / فلسطيننا Symposium
Eco-Hike in Battir/Makhrour and Biodiversity Lecture
Tatreez Workshop
Tasting Water/Knowing Water
Citizen Journalism & the Poetics of Future Palestine / اعلامو شاعرية الجيل الرابع
Palestinian Identity Through Dance
Exhibition of Palestinian Resistance
3000 Nights: An Afternoon with Filmmaker Mai Masri
Wednesday Virtual Forum: The Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium
Mobilising Memory through Mixed Reality
Interactive Narrative for Critical and Creative Writers Workshop
Interactive Narrative for Critical and Creative Writers Workshop
Workshop with Jens Haendeler (Al Quds) and Omar Hmidat (Goldsmiths)
The Virtual Otherwise Conference - Greek node
What’s Your Climate Story? A Climate Response Workshop
Monday Virtual Forum: The Cultural Politics of Naming Symposium
Podcasts for Beginners (Anthropologists)
Decolonize Palestine: A Discussion with Rawan Eid & Fathi Nemer
Film Screening: Frontiers of Dreams and Fears
Sound Practice: Exploring Audio Archives
The Living Historic Record
Performing Pankow Presentation
Adrian Lahoud: Signs & Transmissions: Architecture and Intergenerational Rights
Living Smart Workshop
View From Above: QGIS as a data source, visualization and analysis tool
Finding strength in Haitian history—and in our "Lakou"—against hegemony: Lang kreyòl la se baton Pèp Souvren devan Lagrandyab
The Body: To Be—Named
To Be—Named: Across Borders
Mixtec Codices and Community Museums
Women and War: A staged reading of two new plays from Ukrainian playwrights
To Be—Named: Berlin Exhibition
To Be—Named: Hudson Valley Exhibition
Becoming Black: Autobiographical Filmmaking Workshop
Casualty reporting in Ukraine
The Gulf Between Us
Symposium: Urban-Industrial Entanglements in Crisis
Roman Lipski’s Experimental Lecture Series at Julia Stoschek Collection (AI, VR, and Quantum Blur)
Re-tooling a Nuclear Town: Guest Lecture
Cohabitation Strategies: How to Begin Again: Towards a New Urban Practice
Death Cafe
Digitalization of Politics in Non-Democracies:
Video Games & Autoethnography
Generative AI and Experimental Pedagogy: A Workshop
Love Poetry in the Age of Discontent
Latent Space: From Datasets to Digital Heritage
To Be—Named: Hudson Valley Artist Panel
To Be – Named: Curatorial Tour and Workshop
To Be—Named: Athens Exhibition
To Be—Named: Athens Opening
Olive Tree Planting and Biopolitics Lecture
Drone Skills Workshop
Beyond Exile Film Screening
COVID Exceptionalism Unconference
Speculative Energy Futures
Drone Skills Workshop
Zamandash Film Premiere
(Post)Pandemic Theatre in Berlin and New York
Anthropology of Death
The Ethics and Aesthetics of New Technologies
Writing for Impact: Translating Social Science Research for a Wider Public
Beyond Bollywood: Mapping South Asian Cinema
Digital Storytelling and Multimodal Anthropology
Theory of the Experiment
Bard College Berlin Urban Gardening Cluster
Experimental Humanities Pedagogy Cluster
Urbanist Action Research Cluster
EHCN Partners Involved
Universidad de los Andes
Al-Quds Bard College for Arts & Sciences
University of Thessaly
American University of Central Asia
European Humanities University
Central European University
Bard College Berlin
Arizona State University
Recovering Voices
Birkbeck College at the University of London
Bard College Annandale
Hampton University
Speculative Fiction
Oral History
Working Group
Critical Urbanism
Oral History
Community Justice